Thursday, May 01, 2008

The hermit speaks

Well, on Sunday L.E. (aka The Pink Princess) will be one month old so my new mantra is that I am one-third or one-fourth of the way through that newborn “rough patch.” Praise be to God, Hallelujah.

It has been a rough go compounded by the fact that I am definitely experiencing something more than “baby blues” and having a hard time getting it together mentally and emotionally. It is hard to tell how much of this is due to the sleep-deprivation and not having a ton of “help.” While we do get help and support from some of our family members who have been amazing (sister and sister-in-law of Momily especially!), it is not quite the same as having someone come stay with you for the first week or two or three, which can help the whole sleep thing along a great deal. I feel totally overwhelmed by two kids and I have to admit that this makes me feel all kinds of shame, embarrassment and inadequacy. “Normal” perhaps, but some of my reactions, etc. perhaps not so much. Either way, though, I just don’t have a lot of energy, mental stamina and patience right now and I don’t think things will improve until I do.

Also adding to this “mess with Momily’s mind” casserole is the fact that L.E. is quite a fussy, cranky baby with a set of lungs and a cry that can break your heart. We suspect she has “mild” colic. I have heard the horror stories from moms with colicky babies and she is certainly not that bad, but she seems to have digestive/gas issues galore.

So, please accept my apologies for unreturned calls and cancelled visits (lots of you). And, please also accept my apologies for teary and weepy phone calls and visits (less of you). Thanks to all of you who have been so thoughtful, helpful, concerned and caring (many of you). I really hope to be back to my normal self “soon” (2-3 months from now?!). Amen.


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